lauantai 30. tammikuuta 2016

Winter mail & flea market findings

Letter + Christmas present from Essi, Finland

Letter + Christmas postcards from my German pen pal

Letter and Christmas present from Natally, Slovakia

Letter back to Essi + little Christmas present

Letter to Poland, for my new pen pal Iga

Letter from Anka, Slovenia

Christmas postcard from Mate, Hungary

Postcard from London

Postcard from my new pen pal from Malaysia

Postcrossing cards after a long time! This one travelled to Germany.

PC-card to Belarus

PC-card to Singapore

PC-card to USA

Postcards from fleamarket. One postcard cost 30 or 50 cents.

Also found this amazing coloring book from a fleamarket! It's unused and cost only 4 euros. Absolutely love it! :) 

Look at these beautiful illustrations!